House #25: La Tour Blanche

Bright and early we were out of the house, to go meet our next victim -- er, realtor -- John. Welsh guy. "Are there any French realtors left in France?" I asked him. He didn't seem to get the joke. Anyway, we chatted for a while in his office, and then headed out to see some houses.

The first place he brought us was to a house in a village called La Tour Blanche, which I thought was a pretty cool name for a town. Although I didn't see anything resembling the name. I did see the house though:


Looks nice, doesn't it? Nice old stone house, nice big garden, with the now-standard roses and apples and cherries and a big flat spread of grass, in a nice village.


Very nice. But also kind of boring. Inside, we found a living room


and a kitchen


also boring. And upstairs three bedrooms also boring. I won't bother you with them. Trust me they were boring.

And again with the wild wallpaper:


And again with the pink bathroom fixtures:


...which by this point in our search, sadly, also qualify as boring. Seen it before.

Really, this was a very nice and tidy house. But its layout and organization, as well as its situation relative to its neighbors and outside its village, made the whole feel more than anything terribly terribly suburban.

We came, we saw, we left.

I think John was a little surprised by the rapidity with which we formed our opinion, and the directness with which we informed him of it. "Boring." But this is house #25 for us. No time to mess around, I figure.

On to the next house.

Posted on June 06, 2005