Off the floor

This is our dinner table.


Even after nearly a month here, we're still very much camping. The search for the perfect indoor table continues, our outside table and our bed are still en route from the states, we can't make up our minds what to do about the whole couch thang, and the house is very empty. We have two chairs, three bowls, three plates. The only piece of furniture in our house which does not come from ikea is the beautiful desk at which I now sit, and the rooms of the house remain delightfully, if temporarily, empty. It's all very basic. We dine as shown above pending a more suitable elevated surface, and we're sleeping on a thin ikea mattress on the floor of what will someday be our kitchen.


So you can see that in our present circumstance, every little piece of the puzzle which falls into place is a major milestone. And tonight, well, tonight is the last night we will be sleeping on the floor.

My mom is coming in just over two weeks, and so yesterday we went out and bought ourselves a bed, which will be delivered tomorrow morning. I have to say that as our first visitor, my mom is setting a nice level of comfort for all future comers. It's a very comfortable queen, a real bed with box springs. We also have yummy down pillows, brand new. It was a debate, because we've seen some beautiful antique bed frames, but never wider than 140cm. So finally, we just went ahead and got something new, sacrificing vintage for comfort. But I digress.

My point is that, presuming our Chicago bed arrives before my mom does, we'll not be sleeping on the floor again in this house. Starting tomorrow, it'll feel a little less like camping.

Now we just have to organize a table.

Posted on October 12, 2005