A Table!

In French, that's what you actually say when you want to call everyone to dinner. "A table!"

And in our house, it's what you call the new piece of furniture we finally got one of. A table! At last!

We found it under a huge heap of dishes in a very cluttery and jumbley antique shop in a nearby town. We asked her to clear off the dishes so we could get a better look:


We struck a deal and they agreed to follow us home with it:


And that night, we actually got to dine around something other than Kepler's green plastic ikea play table:


How nice.

It's wild cherrywood, it's old, and it's perfect for the wood-color of our house. And what's more, we struck a deal to combine its purchase with that of this very cool chair:


It's a prayer chair. The seat flips up, allowing the faithful (in this case Pia) to kneel on the upholstered bit below. From back in the days when people prayed in the privacy of their very own chateaux. Cool. Always ready to accomodate guests, you know. Pray, come over, do.

Posted on October 21, 2005