Waiting for a shadow

Max raised a question today, one which I am ashamed to say I had not yet contemplated. When is the next total solar eclipse going to target our new house?

Now in my defense, after seeing more than 30 houses, more ridiculous and stringent criteria were not what I was looking for. With that said, an eclipse in my lifetime from my verandah would be awfully nice, wouldn't it?

And so I turn to the oracle for all such pressing questions in my life: The NASA eclipse home page. Here's what I found:


Ummm. Yeah. June 28, 2299. Oh, well.

On the bright side, I did find an annular eclipse, which we just might live to see:


The 5th of November, 2059. I'll be 90 years old, Kepler will be 57, and Sarah will be 100! What a great way to celebrate a centennary: with a pair of mylar glasses on your face!

And yes, of course, you're all invited. Wheel chairs will be provided. Diapers not included.

Posted on June 24, 2005 | Comments (3)