In Bloom


Ok, I know I haven't been the best blogger lately. Other things always seem to trump blogtime lately. It's not that I have had nothing to write about; it's rather that we've been doing so very many things around the house, I got to the point where it was daunting to try to catch up.

So I won't try. I'll just dive right back in, with a response to a request from Laurie for pictures of the gardens. I've got lots of interior shots up here so far; here goes some outside work. Gotta just get back on that horse and ride.

Spring is beautiful here. I got a manual push-mower, so we can keep at least a bit of our garden in check. Spread out a carpet on the carpet that is already the grass, and picnic and read under the apple tree:


Here's the same thing, but from the verandah (note the yellow push-mower and the pile of grass in the farground):


And of course, a shot of Kepler's wood up from the house:


Everything is blooming. The tulips came and went, the irises are fading now, but the roses are going gangbusters, and the wisteria is just a cascade of purple flowers from the edge of the verandah, dripping downwards:


It's beautiful here. And we work online, and we work on our garden, and things on the house's infrastructure are starting to get into a preliminary place where we can start to do more visible changes (more on that later (I understand your cynicism, dear reader, but I will make an effort to write more, I promise (and you must admit, you have been checking in occasionally after all)))... and life is good.

It's green here. That's why we came here, in part, so Kepler could go outside and play. Mission, at leat in part, therefore, accomplished.

Wow. I blogged. Right on.

Posted on April 29, 2006 | Comments (2)